MIFF - Moscow International Financial Forum MIFF - Moscow International Financial Forum
Российский финансовый рынок 2008
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In the Federal District, Rostov-on-Don begins competition of student works announced by UniCredit Bank...

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JaguarLand Rover announces the launch of new programs and JaguarFinance LandRoverFinance...

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Conference "Financial literacy of young people. Invest in yourself "will be held in Kazan on February 17-18, with the participation of the Institute of Financial Planning...

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Mortgage lending should be more, says Putin

Number issued in Russia in mortgage loans over the next 2-3 years should be brought up to 1 million, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference in the Kremlin on Thursday.

To date, he said, the number of such loans is about 40 thousand

President noted that the measures aimed at resolving the country's housing problem, there are medium-term program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation , 22 December a draft of which was considered by the Russian government.

"It refers to the development of mortgage system, that is, in fact, we are talking about solving the housing problem, which is forever" hung "in the Soviet Union and continues to trouble us. If you look at today's figures then, in my opinion, only 40 thousand on the mortgage loans issued this year. The challenge is in the very near future, 2-3 years, to bring up to 1 million the number of mortgage loans. This is solvable problem " - stressed the Head of State.

Source: Kredity.Ru

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